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Great Passages

Long winter legs from Adriatic to the warm South Italy

1st stage: 16 Jan 2024-Ravenna/Ancona. 73nm., average temp. 5°C.
Start with ice on deck and visibilkity <10meters only! 10hrs motoring due to lack of wind. Mooring at Marinadorica for 2 nights.
Time to make diesel (670l.) and a first galley thanks to the collaboration of my dear friend Robi.

2nd stage: 18/19 Jan 2024-Ancona/Vieste. 164nm in 23hrs, 6 motoring. Average temp. 9°C. Marcello, our doctor preferred to disembark due to differences of opinion. Mooring 3 nights at La Darsena di Vieste, warm welcome by Vincenzo. Peaceful stop despite an F7 storm that lasted 2 days.

3rd stage: 22 Jan 2024-Vieste/Brindisi. 114nm in 13hrs of motoring. Average temp. 11°C. Anchoring on 8 meters of muddy bottom within the large stretch of sea of the gigantic port of Brindisi. Quiet night.

4th stage: 23 Jan 2024-Brindisi/Leuca. 63nm in 9hrs, no motoring. Average temp.14°.
Wake up at dawn for a stage that will take us to the southernmost tip of the Adriatic. Superb navigation with our special asymmetric sail (called FFR) and staysail, without mainsail to have more pressure on the bow sails.
Excellent average at 7kts/hr.
The cold and gloomy Adriatic is behind us now.

5th stage: 24/25 Jan 2024-Leuca/Syracuse. 225nm in 31 hours of which 14 of engine time. Average temp. 12°. Wind min 4kts, max 35kts.
Long and demanding stage with fresh wind from NW F6, sometimes F7.
After passing through the Messina strait with a great view to the Etna vulcan We arrive in the bay of Syracuse at sunset on my birthday.
Anchoring in the large bay in front of the splendid Ortigia peninsula.

Moonlight at anchor infront of Ortigia Peninsula

6th stage: 27/28 Jan 2024 - Syracuse/ Empedocle (AG). 117nm in 16 hours of which 13 by motor. Mooring at the small pier. Visit to the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento. A true wonder of Ancient Greece.

7th stage: 28/29 Jan 2024 - Empedocle/Trapani. 81nm of which 5 motorized. Average temp 14°C.
Final stage with calm and relaxing sailing with amazing performances: 7.6kts with only 8.1kts of wind upwind.
Appointment with friends Toti and Matteo Stabile to try to make new supports for the solar panels damaged by the storms of recent days in 24 hours.

8th stage: 30/31 Jan 2024 - Trapani/Carloforte (Sardinia). 215nm in 30 hours of which 25 by engine.
It was supposed to be the longest stage to reach Gibraltar: from Trapani to Almerimar (ESP) but the weather is very unstable and between 31 January and 2 February the Mistral is expected to enter, which will invade the Balearics and Sardinia from France.
Unfortunately we are not fast enough to pass in front of him and therefore the wisest solution is to cut to Sardinia, wait for the tail end of the Mistral .

Great performance with Pius: 7,6kts speed with 8,1kts of wind 75° TWA!

The perfect trim!


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