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Great Passages

July the 4th, it's time to cruise again...

Our cruise needs to go on. From Calvi we sail up north to Cap Corse through Giraglia island and dropping anchor in Tamarone bay.

45 miles of no wind to admire a beautiful coastline...

....fortunately because we are carrying the old gearbox for some day ....
Emma is focused in fishing

Cap Corse is a perfect place to trek for a whole day.

The Sentier des douaniers starts from Macinaggio on the east coast till Centuri on the west coast passing in front of Giraglia island.

.....all informations at

A wonderful starfish right under Pius while Anna crocheting 2 brand new bags

Smartphone bag "Call me"

....and "Pochette".

These are her creative handcrafted products


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